0131 526 3700

Developing and maintaining the highest standards of patient care and self-care through probity, ethics and resilience underpin good medical practice. A suite of CPD courses from Oxford Medical designed to help doctors flourish in the modern era.

As well as being central to good medical practice, probity, ethics and resilience are central to our activities at Oxford Medical Training: interview preparation, teaching, communication, leadership and management. Our Medical Team Communication Skills Online Course equips you to deal with difficult conversations and conflict. Reflective Writing Skills for Appraisal and CPD is designed to help you develop personal insight and translate this to the written word. Advanced Teach the Teacher: Mentoring Skills for Doctors focuses on your ability to support others to flourish. If you are facing a specific challenge the it’s worth finding out about our Bespoke Probity Support service. Select the appropriate course or service from the list below to find out more.

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