Medical Team Communication Skills Online Course Overview
Team communication is an essential skill in the modern era of specialty teams, multi-disciplinary teams along with the integration of healthcare and social care. Difficult conversations are common when you work with people who have differing interests, needs or priorities. On this interactive, modular online course we focus on improving your ability to deal with the challenges. We guide you to consider the way you currently approach these situations, introduce you to new ideas and help you clarify how to apply theory to everyday practice.
Here’s the short introduction video.
What is the format?
The course is divided into 5 short modules which take you around 2 hours in total to complete. You have videos to watch, text to read and exercises to complete. Interactive features and activities keep you engaged as you explore the theory. Along the way, you will watch two doctors, Douglas and Magdalena, take a number of different approaches to the same conversation. Will they ever get it right? You also conduct a series of reflective exercises, designed to personalise your learning, enabling you to identify realistic improvements. You record your work in the digital workbook provided, so it is there for your future reference. When you finish, we issue your certificate for 2 CPD points within 10 days of receiving your completed workbook.
What will I learn?
- We begin by looking at negotiation. How do you and those you work with typically approach issues where you have different priorities, interests and needs? You discover where we all often go wrong and then some more effective tactics.
- We then explore difficult conversations. Why do they become problematic in the first place? How can you avoid this and take simple steps to encourage constructive interactions?
- Conflict is next on the agenda. What are the triggers that move difficult conversations into situations where there is friction and people become entrenched in opposition? How does your personal mindset impact on your behaviour? And we explore the range of tactics you can choose from.
- Influence is the final topic. How can you shape events in a constructive manner without manipulation, coercion or confrontation?
How do I access Medical Team Communication Skills Online Course?
You receive an automated email with a link to access the course immediately after making your purchase. So you can get started right away. Once logged in you can access the course at any time from the link in your email or the ‘My Account’ section of our website.
Your subscription now gives you 120 days of unlimited access to the online course materials commencing from the date of purchase.
Is this course right for me?
The era of doctors working in isolation is long gone. Whenever you work with other people, regardless of your role, there will be times when you must deal with differing priorities or interests and, occasionally, difficult behaviour. It’s essential that you become skilled at both preventing conversations going wrong and facing the challenge constructively when they do. Our course will move you forward regardless of your grade or experience level. We therefore recommend that it is suitable for all doctors. It is designed to give you an excellent learning experience whether you use it as a stand-alone activity or to complement one of our medical leadership and management or advanced communication skills courses.
Other courses to consider are:
- The Communication Skills Online Course Pack. It includes both this course and the Advancing Patient Communications Skills Online Course saving you £50 compared to purchasing the courses separately
- The Team Leadership Online Course Pack. This combines the Medical Team Communication Skills Online Course with the Medical Leadership and Management Online Course, a 3-hour online course to develop your leadership style plus management of time, resources and projects. It also saves you £50 compared to purchasing the two courses separately.
- Advanced Team Communication Skills Course for Doctors. This is a 1-day course which we run at locations across the UK and in our Virtual Classroom. Improve your performance by developing your interactions with your team members, your leaders and your followers.
Click here to see our full range of online course collections.